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Frequently asked questions

Here I have compiled and answered your most burning questions for you.

Why should I do it this time?

Healthy weight loss requires more than the right diet - the right strategy and the right mindset are crucial. Change is hard, especially when deeply held beliefs get in the way. Learn how to achieve long-term change and make individual adjustments. Your journey to a healthier life doesn't start with a short-term solution;sustainableApproach that overcomes all challenges.

What if I'm overwhelmed?

I am at your side on this journey, as a companion and motivator. Not just support, but also inspiration for long-term impact. Change is challenging and we start where you are and move forward at your pace.

Can I manage this with my stressful everyday life?

Are you wondering how to integrate healthy eating into your stressful everyday life? How to practice self-care when you have no time and then feel guilty? I understand that good! Our strategies are designed to be implementable even in a hectic everyday life. Long-term success despite lack of time.

I'm afraid I'll gain weight again afterwards!

Are you afraid of the yo-yo effect or insecure about accepting yourself? Understandable. Our strategy is not only aimed at short-term successes, but also enables long-term changes. We work cause-focused and therefore take precautions.

Your hopes for long-term change and greater well-being are justified. That is exactly our common goal. Not just short-term success, but a shared journey towards lasting positive change. Don't stand alone - I support, inspire and motivate.

Does Ayurvedic food mean Indian cuisine?

Yes and no. In fact, Ayurveda comes from India. However, Indian cuisine does not always correspond to Ayurveda. So what's the difference?

The Ayurvedic principles according to which the foods are selected and put together are based on the individual person and their living circumstances. This includes the place of residence and the climatic conditions.

Is Ayurvedic cuisine elaborate or complicated?

In fact, Ayurvedic cuisine is quite simple as it consists of simple meals. What many people perceive as inconvenient is that warm meals are recommended, especially in the evening. What is important here is good and simple preparation so that your stomach is satisfied even on long working days. With a few tricks this can be done by anyone.

Which spices can I use? Can I also use other spices?

Spices are chosen based on their effect on digestion and the mind. These don’t have to be exotic spices per se. Our European herbs also develop their power with the knowledge of their benefits.

How do I motivate my family? What do I do if my family doesn't want to participate? Do I have to cook extra then?

From experience with my clients, I can recommend YOU to speak openly with the family. Share what YOU want. There are family members who are open and like to try new things. Others are more reserved here.
Both are fine. This will be about YOU.
Here it's all about tricks and tricks so that YOU don't have to do a lot of extra work. You don't want it to become stressful. But YOU can recognize that YOU have a right to YOUR well-being.

I have illnesses, can I use this to cure them?

I don't currently have a healing license. Please always contact a doctor or alternative practitioner you trust regarding illnesses or questions in connection with an illness. In my opinion, sick people also make unhealthy decisions for themselves, especially because of stress in their everyday lives. Know that your personal responsibility and your involvement are also important in the process and collaboration with doctors. Healthy eating and self-care are always the basis for every single person.

How do I motivate my family? What do I do if my family doesn't want to participate? Do I have to cook extra then?

From experience with my clients, I can recommend YOU to speak openly with the family. Share what YOU want. There are family members who are open and like to try new things. Others are more reserved here.
Both are fine. This will be about YOU.
Here it's all about tricks and tricks so that YOU don't have to do a lot of extra work. You don't want it to become stressful. But YOU can recognize that YOU have a right to YOUR well-being.

Does Ayurvedic food mean Indian cuisine?

Yes and no. In fact, Ayurveda comes from India. However, Indian cuisine does not always correspond to Ayurveda. So what's the difference?

The Ayurvedic principles according to which the foods are selected and put together are based on the individual person and their living circumstances. This includes the place of residence and the climatic conditions.

Does Ayurvedic food mean Indian cuisine?

Yes and no. In fact, Ayurveda comes from India. However, Indian cuisine does not always correspond to Ayurveda. So what's the difference?

The Ayurvedic principles according to which the foods are selected and put together are based on the individual person and their living circumstances. This includes the place of residence and the climatic conditions.

what about herbs and teas? Where should I shop? Can i afford that?

Is organic from the supermarket just as good as from the health food store/health food store?

Do I have to meditate? Do I have to do yoga? Where can I find good instructions/books/videos?

Do I have to give up? Do I have to change my lifestyle forever? What should I pay attention to if I'm allergic? Do you also have a cookbook? Can you recommend any cookbooks for me?

What if this is all too much for me? How do I adjust my lifestyle? Is it all very complicated? Is that very complicated? Can I still go out to eat? What if I'm invited? Do I have to do detox treatments? How do they work? Is there a workbook or how can I keep track? Contents Welcome gift?

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